sitting beside
my best friend sees
memories come and go
like sunlight among leaves
it all started
when i was a kid
playing in the sun
like a little brid
in the backyard
found black shiny seed
buried it in the sand
and forgot the deed
as rains poured
couldn't go out
on a clear sunny day
saw lovely green sprout
i loved it
it was my treasure
seeing its growing
gave a unique pleasure
it started to grow
alonwith me
from a kid to adolescence
now i was free
sat near it for hours
confide in it my fears
shared my laughs
showed my tears
hanging with branches
messing around
sitting in shade
reading on ground
as time slipped fast
i stepped in youth
i found my love
slowly edged my favourite booth
but it didn't complain
stood high on the ground
shared my moments
whenever i was around
slowly i got busy
in worldly chores
married and had kids
no time to explore
seasons changed
autumns and springs
it roared with the thunders
sang with winds
we both are old now
as differences crop around
no one talks or shares
to home we are confound
humans are such assets
become liability in course of time
but he remained an asset
as a prized prime
left alone in my last days
as everyone moved to a bright new place
but how can i leave
my friend alone
who still talks to me
when i am prone
heaven's rainbow,in life's eve
in my last moments,it heaved a deep sigh
showered me with flowers
as i leave to distant skies
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